for those who would make a difference

Month: March 2013

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Rather than ‘why’ ask ‘why not’

The US government uses to involve citizens in designing innovative solutions to government and civil challenges.
The UK government has adopted a digital-by-default approach and has mandated that agencies follow this, providing detailed guidance on what they must do and by when (even open sourcing service design guidance on GithHub for citizens to improve).
The Finnish government has adopted a crowd-sourcing approach to legislation, amending their constitution a year ago to allow citizens to develop laws which the parliament must consider and put to a vote.
Iceland’s government went a step further and crowd-sourced a new constitution.
The Canadian government used the free open source mediawiki platform to create a whole-of-government wiki for information sharing within government (the site isn’t accessible from the outside). In May 2012 it had over 32,000 users and contained over 18,000 pages of content.
58 countries (roughly 25% of all countries in the world) have joined the Open Government Partnership, making committed steps towards openness and transparency in government.
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