September 17, 2012
Crowdsource meets #publichealth #GovChat w Dr. Nadine Levick Dr. Nadine Levick @iRescUapp on Sept 19 8:00 PM EST
Crowdsource meets #publichealth #GovChat w Dr. Nadine Levick Dr. Nadine Levick @iRescUapp on Sept 19 8:00 PM EST
September 14, 2012
#GovChat MT @irescuapp: iRescU Team’s fri #ECCU presentations now on sat 11.30 – as tomorrow @iRescUapp will be @whitehouse for #safetydata
#GovChat MT @irescuapp: iRescU Team’s fri #ECCU presentations now on sat 11.30 – as tomorrow @iRescUapp will be @whitehouse for #safetydata
September 13, 2012
Looking for guests and hosts to keep the #GovChat going. Any suggestions? #goc #gov20 #open #new #innovation #better
Looking for guests and hosts to keep the #GovChat going. Any suggestions? #goc #gov20 #open #new #innovation #better
September 13, 2012
Reminder. There is no #GovChat this evening. Join us next week for #Crowdsource meets #publichealth @iRescUapp Sept 19 8:00 PM EST
Reminder. There is no #GovChat this evening. Join us next week for #Crowdsource meets #publichealth @iRescUapp Sept 19 8:00 PM EST
September 12, 2012
Next week’s #GovChat guest @iRescUapp invited to be @ #safetydata palooza @whitehouse Wed, Sept 19, 8:00 EST via/ @globalsurgeon
Next week’s #GovChat guest @iRescUapp invited to be @ #safetydata palooza @whitehouse
Wed, Sept 19, 8:00 EST via/ @globalsurgeon
September 10, 2012
RT @govloop: Excited to host 1,000+ govies this Thursday at GovLoop’s free Online Innovator’s Summit – RSVP at … #gov20
RT @govloop: Excited to host 1,000+ govies this Thursday at GovLoop’s free Online Innovator’s Summit – RSVP at … #gov20
September 6, 2012
#GovChat Transcript September 5, 2012 – Taking the lid off government #storify #ldnont #gov20
#GovChat Transcript September 5, 2012 – Taking the lid off government #storify #ldnont #gov20
September 5, 2012
Seven minutes until we learn how #ldnont opens the lid on municipal government. #GovChat
Seven minutes until we learn how #ldnont opens the lid on municipal government. #GovChat
September 5, 2012
60 min to #GovChat opening #localgov w @ElaineatLondon + @ashleighweeden Sept 5, 8:00 EST #Gov20 #opengov #Civics #ldnont
60 min to #GovChat opening #localgov w @ElaineatLondon + @ashleighweeden Sept 5, 8:00 EST #Gov20 #opengov #Civics #ldnont
September 4, 2012
How do you make a city social? #GovChat w @ElaineatLondon + @ashleighweeden. Sept 5, 8:00 EST #Gov20 #opengov #Localgov #Civics #ldnont
How do you make a city social? #GovChat w @ElaineatLondon + @ashleighweeden. Sept 5, 8:00 EST #Gov20 #opengov #Localgov #Civics #ldnont