for those who would make a difference

Category: AlenaPopova

“Open government” – Public discussion of bills of the Government of Russian Federation

The trend of public online panel discussions is continuing its development. The relevantPresident’s decree has been released in February. Now media reports that on 1st of June the discussion system of legislative initiatives is going to be launched on the website – the program name is “Open Government”. Every citizen can be involved in legislative system via electronic voting.

The first bill under discussion will be “The bill on the basics of healthcare of Russian citizens”. The discussions are going to be coordinated by the Public Opinion Foundation. The biggest problem with national discussions is when they are not moderated the main thread will be buried under unnecessary noise.

All of the bills that could have social response are going to be submitted on online discussion.

Earlier, the Presidental Police Act was discussed at the similar special platform.

The “Open government program” could be useful in the elections season, so the opposition could not use unpopular initiatives for counter-agitation.


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Communication On Top: Saudi Ministers in Social Media Presentation: Sultan Al Bazie, Saudi Arabia

I have been representing Russia on Communication On Top International forum in   Political communications section  with the “Why in Russia and the BRIC countries the e-government could stimulate economic development” report. Here is the presentation I’d like to share with you.

Today I would like to bring to your attention one of the best (in my opinion) presentations, it was presented by Sultan Al Baziу of Saudi Arabia.

I also got the opportunity to ask him some questions about e-government and e-officials in his country.

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Russian Federation – e-Government Digest

Recently we launched our new project – we’ll try to collect here all of the news about development of e-government in Russia. Russian Federation, as we all know, is the largest country in the world and consists of 8 federal districts, which combine the 83 regions of the federation. That is the most important feature of our country which influences the development of the e-government there.

The e-government development processes in the Russian regions take place unevenly; the model of interaction between levels of government in e-government is still in its forming stage. The implementation of e-government is taking place in two ways: federal and regional.

As in other countries the Russian e-government development is taking place in several directions:

  • Organization of internal electronic workflow between various government authorities;
  • Providing the electronic government services to citizens and business segment;
  • Providing access to open public data via the government websites and the sites of state structures;
  • Moving of the officials into the web to start their official blogs and regional blogs;
  • Social and crowdsourcing projects implementation in the gov2.0 sector.

Once  a week we’ll publish the most important news of the e-government development in Russia, about new projects and achievements in that field.

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